Maker Opportunity

Cboe ADVLiquidity Opportunity
(% of ADN)
SPY May 24 529.00 Call [03i0I7]43,1527,40723250,79117,056 297.79
TSLA May 24 180.00 Call [03i0qe]48,7869856249,83322,588 220.62
SPY May 24 529.00 Put [03i0IY]43,0754,60314647,82417,635 271.19
SPY May 24 530.00 Put [03i0HA]38,0614,04311042,21410,501 402.00
TSLA May 24 177.50 Call [03k4En]38,9291,5537240,55419,993 202.84
SPY May 24 528.00 Call [03i0IB]35,7694,2698840,1269,490 422.82
SPY May 28 529.00 Put [03kWeZ]34,3412,4927336,90610,026 368.10
SPY May 24 530.00 Call [03i0HF]28,7886,29150135,58017,423 204.21
SPY May 28 529.00 Call [03kWea]31,2312,4744133,7458,762 385.13
TSLA May 31 180.00 Call [03iM7B]30,3641,35920931,93310,595 301.40
SPY May 24 528.00 Put [03i0GT]27,7503,7948631,63013,819 228.89
SPY May 28 530.00 Call [03kWeY]25,7313,2661,38530,38211,399 266.53
SPY May 28 530.00 Put [03kWeX]25,9221,5979027,6098,696 317.49
QQQ May 24 458.00 Put [03i65e]24,0133,3269927,43814,529 188.85
TSLA May 24 175.00 Put [03i0qb]24,8281,3665126,2458,936 293.70
SPY May 28 528.00 Put [03kWeb]23,3222,55410825,9848,305 312.87
SMCI Jan 17 100.00 Put [03KYt5]24,5120024,5120 n/a
SPY May 29 527.00 Put [03kZ5O]23,3211,0566224,4394,061 601.80
SPY May 24 527.00 Put [03i0Id]18,8215,31612024,25712,727 190.59
AAPL May 24 190.00 Call [03hsWX]22,1121,6025523,76913,161 180.60
SPY May 29 526.00 Put [03kZ5Q]21,5751,84012623,5414,468 526.88
TSLA May 31 177.50 Call [03kUd6]21,3348829222,3086,901 323.26
SPY May 24 527.00 Call [03i0IT]17,4894,3031621,8084,039 539.94
SPY May 29 527.00 Call [03kZ5P]19,9311,7661821,7154,381 495.66
TSLA May 31 175.00 Put [03iM6P]19,9081,2395521,2027,509 282.35

Data for 2024-05-24 to 2024-05-31 inclusive.

Missed Liquidity
This is a measure for the last week of the average daily volume requested at a price equal or better than the NBBO where we had no liquidity.
Exhausted Liquidity
This is a measure for the last week of the average daily volume requested at a price equal or better than the NBBO, which were partially filled.
Routed Liquidity
This number represents for the last week the average daily volume on orders which were routed and filled on another venue.
Volume Opportunity
This is a measure of the total average daily volume of the missed, exhausted and routed liquidity.
Cboe ADV
Average Daily Volume for the last week of shares matched on Cboe for the security shown.
Liquidity Opportunity
Percentage of the ADV missed, exhausted or routed. The higher the percentage the larger the market making opportunity.