Broker List

Stage 1: Direct Cboe BIDS Europe Broker1

  • Participants of Cboe entering IOIs via FIX directly into Cboe BIDS Europe
  • Live date: 9th December 2016

Stage 2: Designated Broker2

  • Buy side clients are able to access the Cboe BIDS Europe service using their EMS / OMS integrated GUI or via FIX provided they have agreements in place with one or more Designated Brokers supporting the service.
  • Direct Cboe BIDS Europe Broker: A Cboe Participant who is using the Service to submit IOIs and receive the corresponding trades in their own name.
  • Designated Broker: A Cboe Participant who has an agreement with a Buy Side firm to offer execution and clearing services on Cboe BIDS Europe.
Cboe Participant Direct Cboe BIDS Europe Broker Service Designated Broker Service
ABG Sundal Collier N/A Live
Aurel BGC N/A Live
Baader Bank AG Live Live
Banco Santander S.A. N/A Date TBC
Bank of America Merrill Lynch Live Live
BNP Paribas Arbitrage SNC Live Date TBC
Barclays Capital Live Live
Bernstein Autonomous Live Live
BMO Capital Markets Ltd Live Live
B.Metzler seel. Sohn & Co KGaA TBC Live
BNP Paribas Financial markets Live Live
Canaccord Genuity Live Live
Citi Global Markets Live N/A
Danske Bank Live Live
DNB Live Live
Equita SIM S.P.A. N/A Live
Goldman Sachs Live Live
Instinet Live Live
Investec Bank PLC Live Live
Jefferies Live Live
Joh. Berenberg, Gossler & Co. Live Live
JP Morgan Securities Live Live
Kepler Cheuvreux Live Live
Panmure Liberum Capital Limited N/A Live
Liquidnet Live Live
Morgan Stanley Live Live
Nordea Bank AB (publ) Date TBC Live
Numis Securities Limited Live N/A
Oddo BHF N/A Live
Peel Hunt LLP Live N/A
RBC Europe Ltd Live Live
Redburn Live Live
Renta 4 Banco SA N/A Live
Societe Generale Live Live
Stifel Nicolaus Europe N/A Live
Tradition Securities & Futures N/A Live
UBS Live Live
Virtu ITG Europe Limited Live Live

This table will be updated as more firms offer, or commit to offer these services.